Thursday 26 February 2015

Writing inquiry questions

We are learning to write good inquiry questions.

What makes a good inquiry question?
Maham says - it must be a question that makes you think deeply. 
Hafsa says - it is a question that has different steps that takes you to the answer.
Sofia says - There can be lots of different answers to the question.
Ashanti says - it's a question you really have to think about.

Here are some other points

Good inquiry questions:

  • lead to new questions
  • arise from curiosity and confusion about the world
  • will lead to answers that are complex 
  • will lead to answers that consider many aspects of an idea
Here are some examples of  inquiry questions

Is the school system fair?

What makes a good friend?
What is the best type of power?
What is well being?
What is diversity?
How do human settlement patterns impact the environment?

Your task today was to watch the video below and 
Work collaboratively through the following steps to try to create deep questions based on your thinking about the video.

  1. Have a discussion about what you observe is happening and what you infer is happening.
  2. Each person in the group should create 3-5 questions based on their curiosities arising from the video.
  3. After everyone has a list of preliminary questions, collaborate to choose 3 of these initial questions to perfect them into deep inquiry questions.
  4. For each of your ‘perfected’ questions, list 1-2 additional questions that arise from the ‘perfected’ questions.

1 comment:

  1. Useful:


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