Saturday, 27 September 2014

It's a Solid, Its a Liquid, no it's Oobleck!

To make oobleck we mixed 2 parts of cornstarch to 1 part of water. That ratio made the goo too runny so we added more cornstarch.

Leave a comment below. In what ways does oobleck behave like a solid? How does it behave like a liquid? Type one way - eg. It behaves like a liquid because you can pour it. Add a new response each time, or add to someone's response (in other words don't give me a "What she said" response). Level 4 thinkers will begin to make direct connections to the Particle Theory of Matter by asking I wonder questions or by making guesses about why oobleck behaves the way it does, eg. I wonder how close the particles are to each other, when compared to another liquid like honey that has a similar viscosity.


  1. This acts a solid because as your hands go to pick it up, your hand can not exactly go through this - just as all solids do. But then as it is in your hands, it pours out of your hands, like all liquids do. So really you would never if this was ever a solid or liquid
    - Maham

  2. GetOutMeCarVROOMVROOM #follow me on twitter5 October 2014 at 18:36

    It behaves like a solid because the thing stays together and the particles are packed together, and it behave like a liquid because it can pour out of anything and it can change shape into the object it's being poured into.

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