Saturday, 27 September 2014

The Home Work we Talked About

Hello everyone, It's going to be beautiful out this week-end, I hope you get out and enjoy this weather while it lasts!

 Sadly, there is still such a thing as home work, but hey, this home work isn't hurting the trees.


  1. Go to your google drive and find the jepoardy group work in the math folder. For now I just want you to look at it and get a feel of what you're being asked to do.
  2. Revisit the websites to explore prisms and pyramids and Euler's Theorem.

Grade 7 - Visit this web-page, read the content and do the activity. (it wouldn't hurt the grade 8s to do it too).
Grade 8 - Visit this web-page and do some reading (read about floating log, floating ship and sinking rock).

Everyone should write a comment in the comment box. Say something like: I did the reading and here is one thing I learned or here is something I knew before, or one question I have, or one thing I am curious about. You must use your own words.

If you know you didn't finish your Oral Communication piece or Thinking Journal entry (Emma Watson' speech) then please finish that so that you can hand it in on Monday.


  1. i just looked over the shapes websites

    1. just to make this clear its hafsa :)

  2. I am finished all the things from here!
    - Maham


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